Membership into the Memphis Potters' Guild does not exclude, but does prefer, artists residing in the greater Memphis area (defined as a 50 mile radius of Memphis)
Items for the jurying process will need to be presented at a Guild meeting. Please submit the following:
Application form, printed and completed with required information
Five (5) physical, typical examples of the work you produce for sale
A link to five (5) digitally accessible images of work you produce for sale that is not typical of what you produce (images that we can access on the web or via email will suffice)
Current resume or Curriculum Vitae
All new members have provisional membership for the first year. The Memphis Potters' Guild reviews provisional memberships after two (2) shows. After that, a provisional member is considered for full membership. Once fully accepted, the Guild retains the right to revoke membership if work brought to show(s) does not equal the quality of work that was originally juried for membership.
If you are accepted as a member you will be expected to help in all activities required to set-up, run, and take down MPG shows at event venues. All show participants are needed for opening night and scheduled shifts that cover said show duration. The MPG and its public are not financially responsible for accidentally broken work at shows.
Please print out the form (click the link below to access it), complete it, and bring it with your work to the designated meeting venue, as scheduled by the MPG.
Contact David Johnson at for more information.
Thank you for considering the Memphis Potters' Guild!
NOTE: If you want to "test the waters" before joining our Guild, we offer an opportunity to be a guest at our next show as an Emerging Maker. Learn more and apply HERE...